How a Master’s Degree in Management Can Boost Your Career

by Find My Programme on Oct 25, 2021

How a Master’s Degree in Management Can Boost Your Career


Despite a labour shortage, employers are getting pickier than ever when it comes to hiring. A Harvard Business School Report states that many employers now require higher qualifications for the same job than they did previously. A 2020 paper by McKinsey called “The Future of Work in Europe”, confirms that this trend is likely to continue growing in many fields with jobs for STEM, business and legal, health, and management professionals increasingly needing a tertiary degree. 

If you have just progressed into a supervisory role at work and want to advance up the career ladder quickly or would like to get into a management role soon after finishing University, then completing a master’s degree in management should be among your top considerations. 


And did we mention you can look forward to a significant boost to your earnings too? In fact, an analytical report by Ginerva House found that women and men with a postgraduate degree in the UK can expect to earn 28% and 12% more than those with only an undergraduate degree.



What You’ll Learn during a Master’s in Management Degree Program:


Recruiting giant Adecco states that great managers can build trusting relationships with the employees they lead, are great communicators, and can motivate their teams to achieve success. It goes on to say that although only 1 in 10 people is a natural born leader, leadership skills can be learnt given the right settings and motivation. An online master’s degree in management program gives you the space to learn the skills you need to lead people and thereby an organisation to success. You also gain a comprehensive understanding of business essentials that you can apply across different industries and sectors.


Management Specialisations:


While a master’s in management is typically a general program, you may find concentrations allowing you to specialise in a particular industry or management field. You can also find management degrees that focus on particular industries and applications. Have a look at some of the degrees below to see how varied the offerings are.


  • MSc. In Engineering Management: Combining the fields of engineering and business, this master’s degree allows those with an engineering or STEM background to study management formally. You can learn to develop the skills you need to become a successful professional engineering manager with salaries that can be as much as £70,000 a year. Check out this online MSc. In Engineering Management to learn more.


  • MSc. Global Human Resource Management: A master’s degree in global human resource management can help you learn to manage people across borders and diverse workforces as remote working becomes the norm. HR specialists can earn upwards of £50,000 a year. Learn more about how you can earn your global human resource management master’s degree online here.


  • MSc. in Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Logistics and supply chain management are crucial to the operations of a business and society as a whole. A master’s degree in logistics and supply chain management can help you develop deep insights into the industry and lead your organisation to success. Supply chain managers can earn upwards of £40,000 and progress further. Find out about studying for your master’s degree in logistics and supply chain management online here.



Dismissed by Degrees, Published by Accenture, Grads of Life, Harvard Business School, October 2017, 


How to become an Engineering Technician,, , accessed October 2021


International Human Resource Management M.Sc., University of Portsmouth,, accessed October 2021 


Jobs in the HR industry,,, accessed October 2021


Jobs in the transport & logistics industry,,, accessed October 2021


Managing & Engaging Your People: 5 People Management Skills Every Manager Needs To Succeed, Adecco, March 2021, 


MSc in Engineering Management, University of Hull Online,, accessed October 2021 


MSc in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, University of Hull Online,, accessed October 2021 


Postgraduate Education in the UK, HEPI number Analytical Report 1, Ginerva House, May 2020, 


The Future of Work in Europe, Discussion Paper, McKinsey Global Institute, June 2020, 



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