What Can I Do with a Master’s in Cybersecurity?

by Find My Programme on Aug 12, 2021

What Can I Do with a Master’s in Cybersecurity?


Cybersecurity is among the fastest expanding fields in the world. One of the biggest reasons why- is the increasing threat of cyber-attacks across the world. The European Parliamentary Research Service reports that cybercrime accounts for half of all crimes committed in some European countries. Cyber criminals use an ever-evolving range of tools to commit their crimes including botnets, trojans, worms, spyware, and ransomware. A master’s degree in cybersecurity can help you become a part of the virtual “army” battling cybercrime and criminals.


What careers can I have with a master’s degree cybersecurity?

The Cybercrime Magazine reports that there is a zero per cent unemployment rate in the field. According to (ISC)2, a non-profit cybersecurity professional association, the cybersecurity skills gap in Europe is huge, with 168,000 more professionals needed in the field. A 2019 survey by Burning Glass Technologies found that while most companies prefer hiring college graduates 88 % preferred a bachelor’s degree or higher of which 24 % would only hire those with a master’s degree.

Cybersecurity professionals are needed in law enforcement, IT auditing, financial services, information security, high-tech crime units, national security bodies, security analysis, and more. Some potential job titles include:


  • Cyber security architect: Cyber security architects anticipate potential threats and design and integrate systems to defend against them. Cyber security architects are usually senior employees with experience in the field.
  • Vulnerability Assessment Analyst: Vulnerability Assessment Analysts scan systems to find critical flaws. Cyber defences are then put into place according to their recommendations. An interest in hacking is a must for this job.
  • Cryptographer: Cryptographers use algorithms and cyphers to encrypt data as well as check existing systems to uncover weaknesses. Cryptographers are often used in government or military organisations to ensure top levels of security. Banks and other financial services organisations are other areas where they are in demand.
  • Computer Forensics Analysts: Computer Forensics Analysts investigate crimes that involve tech devices along with cybersecurity breaches. They use various investigation techniques to determine what happened on a computing device and who was responsible for it.


These are just a few examples; you may also choose to continue your education and work towards a PhD.


What will I learn in an online master’s degree programme in cybersecurity?

An online master’s degree programme in cybersecurity gives you a well-rounded view of the field introducing you to key concepts, tools, and approaches used in the field. Many programmes also offer one or more specializations for you to choose from. Some examples of topics include:


  • Computer Forensic Investigation and Cryptography
  • Big Data Applications
  • Systems, Security and Hacking


A great advantage you have with an online master’s programme is the virtual interaction with other students and professors which simulates real-world work scenarios today!

Master’s degree programmes in cybersecurity typically require you to have a bachelor’s degree in a relevant subject or applicable professional experience in the field.

As you can see, there are plenty of career avenues after an online master’s degree in cybersecurity. Check out some programmes we have to offer here.




Cybersecurity Talent Crunch To Create 3.5 Million Unfilled Jobs Globally By 2021, Cybercrime Magazine, October 2019, https://cybersecurityventures.com/jobs/


Cybersecurity Workforce Study, (ISC)2, 2020, https://www.isc2.org/Research/Workforce-Study#


MSc Cyber Security and Forensic Information Technology, University of Portsmouth, https://www.port.ac.uk/study/courses/msc-cyber-security-and-forensic-information-technology#careers-and-opportunities, accessed August 2021


MSc Cyber Security, University of Essex, https://online.essex.ac.uk/courses/msc-cyber-security/, accessed August 2021


Recruiting Watchers for the Virtual Walls: The State of Cybersecurity Hiring, Burning Glass Technologies, June 2019, https://www.burning-glass.com/wp-content/uploads/recruiting_watchers_cybersecurity_hiring.pdf


Victims of Cybercrime, European Parliamentary Research Service, https://what-europe-does-for-me.eu/en/portal/2/P02, accessed August 2021

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