Educational trivia

We have tried to gather some fun facts from around the world about education. Hope you enjoy reading as much we enjoyed compiling it together for you.

DID you know which is the longest library in the world

Harvard University can pride itself not only with a title of one of the most famous universities, but also one with only 79 libraries and just 92 kilometers of shelves across 10 levels! As the library was established 400 years old, it has the oldest library system in the United States and is considered as the largest academic library in the world. To cite just a few numbers The Harvard Library includes 18.9 million volumes, 174,000 serial titles, an estimated 400 million manuscript items, 10 million photographs, 56 million archived web pages, and 5.4 terabytes of born-digital archives and manuscripts (Read more). Have a great reading!!! 


As conducting research is crucial towards creating any academic writing, it is necessary to have an access to a well-equipped library. Did you know that studying online, does not deprive you from having access to a good library? Universities providing students with an option of online studies, guarantee now access to their library assets, so you do not need to worry of having lack of limited access to library resources. Feel free to browse through our offerings and choose programme that best suits your needs without worrying of where to find materials necessary to conducting your studies.

DID YOU KNOW about the bottle school

Bottle School, as this is the official name of the building is located in San Pablo, Philippines and it has been constructed out of 9000 bottles. These were filled with sand, water, and straw to keep them solid and strong. Also, in Guatemala, the idea of Bottle School turned into a whole project of creating multiple school buildings across the country. Apparently, there are 11 of them so far and the work is still in progress, involving volunteers from all over the world (Read more).


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DID YOU KNOW Where the smallest school in the world is located?

According to the sources dating back to 2014/2015 the smallest school in the world was an elementary school located in the tiny town of Alpette in Turin, Italy. The school had just one teacher and one student! This gave the school the reputation of being the smallest school in the world. Back in 2014 the school was attended by the eight-year-old pupil Sofia, who was taught by the only teacher Isabella Carvelli. The school was about to admit a new pupil in the year after. It has been decided by officials that till there is at least one pupil at the school, the institution will be kept open.

Despite all the attention Sofia was receiving, she admitted she was feeling lonely in the class and to feel better she was imagining there are other pupils in the class. "I take a jacket and put it on a chair next to mine, then I open a book on the desk and I pretend there is someone there," she told the source.


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