Will Automation Take Your Job?

by Find My Programme on Jan 13, 2022

Will Automation Take Your Job?


Will technological advancements be displacing jobs?


Various authorities predict that we are on the verge of the “Second Machine Age” or the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” which will be spearheaded by digital technologies and AI.

The world is changing rapidly. The Internet of Things (IoT) is moving at an unimaginably fast pace. Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have been buzzwords for the past five years and are likely to stay there. Technology has been a blessing in many ways, enabling us to work remotely during the pandemic, order our groceries, and most importantly keep in touch with our loved ones. It has also allowed students across the world continue their education and complete their degrees online.

All this progress has an ominous side to it too! A 2021 report by the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) predicts that the first effect of these technological advancements will be to displace jobs. PWC’s 2018 analysis of over 200,000 jobs predicts that 30 percent of jobs are at risk of automation by the mid-2030s. It also predicts that workers with lower educational qualifications are the most likely to be at risk.

However, it’s not all doom and gloom. The World Economic Forum’s (WEF) The Future of Jobs Report 2020 estimates that although 85 million jobs may be displaced due to automation, 97 million new roles may emerge due to it. While this may sound strange, there are precedents in history that show how tech can actually create jobs. As an example, horse-drawn carriages were replaced by cars. This meant that carriage drivers and stable hands, among others, became unnecessary. However, an entire new industry arose around automobiles which included factories, petrol pumps, and infrastructure construction.


Jobs that cannot be easily replace by modern technology


While robots and AI may take over jobs that require precision, mathematics, and other routine tasks, what they cannot take over are jobs that require the human factor.  So, without further ado, let’s look at a few jobs that require at least a master’s degree that technology is unlikely to replace in the near future.

  1. Event Management:

While it may seem strange to think of entering the events industry in the light of the global pandemic, the future of events looks bright, especially in Europe. PRNewswire reports that the global events industry is predicted to grow at a CAGR of 23.1% between 2021 and 2028, reaching a whopping $1,457.2 million with Europe dominating the market. While corporate events will still take up a huge chunk of the market, music festivals, exhibitions, and sports events are expected to be the major revenue makers.

Event planning requires strong social and creative skills. Event planners need to deal with clients and vendors to coordinate various aspects of an event. They also need to be aware of changing trends and keep aesthetics in mind while still ensuring practicalities are taken care of along with a dozen other variables including the weather. For those who want to branch out on their own, they also need to be able to branch out on their own.

An online Master's Degree in Creative Events Management can equip you with the skills you need to stay on top of your game in this exciting industry.

  1. Healthcare Leadership:

If anything, the global pandemic has shown how vital it is that the healthcare sector runs efficiently. The role of healthcare leaders has gone beyond running a facility as people look to them for advice and hope. PWC’s report Top health industry issues of 2021: Will a shocked system emerge stronger? details how the healthcare industry is on the cusp of major changes in terms of how healthcare is delivered along, its quality along with changes in revenue making strategies.

Healthcare is one area that requires the human touch – empathy is not optional! Technological advancements in this sector will always complement, never replace, the treatment and care people deserve. However, as a large part of healthcare goes digital with telemedicine, it becomes even more critical that patients still receive the highest quality of care. It is up to healthcare leaders to safeguard this fine balance and provide visionary and proactive leadership to ensure their organisations run smoothly.

Learn how you can study for your M.Sc. in Healthcare Leadership online so you can apply your learnings at work as you study.

  1. Screenplay Writing:

We’re all familiar with autocorrect and predictive text. Now, robots are increasingly being used to generate pieces of content for news sites and more. But when it comes to telling a story, you need to be human. According to the popular website, Will Robots Take My Job? authors and writers are completely safe from automation. In fact, technology is increasingly being used to complement a screenwriter’s job, according to Raindance, with coders working in tandem to create talking screenplays.

With the video game industry now worth billions of dollars and the advent of OTT platforms, screenwriters now have opportunities like never before. A master’s degree in screenwriting can help you hone your skills, develop your portfolio, and meet a lot of people who are excited about the entire filmmaking process.

Check out this MA in screenwriting to learn more. 

  1. Education:

The EPRS in its briefing Teaching careers in the EU reports that many countries in the European Union (EU) are already facing – or are set to face – shortages of qualified teachers particularly in the STEM fields.

While technology is a great asset in the classroom and for distance learning, it cannot replace the socio-emotional skills children learn from their teachers. Online education programmes, whether they are at school or university levels, still need human teachers to develop curriculum, help students learn, and assess their learning. The Learning Council stresses that the biggest reason why teachers will never be replaced by robots is that every good teacher adapts to each student’s unique needs, something machines will never be able to do.

An online master’s degree in education can help you be at the forefront of educational change driving innovation, implement new educational technologies, conduct research, and most importantly lead your institution towards creating a more inclusive learning environment for all.

  1. Digital Transformation:

As ironic as it may sound, computer and information technology jobs are among those least likely to be threatened by the advent of AI. This is because many tech jobs require complex skill that require an understanding of how both computers and humans work.

 Digital transformation is the process by which businesses integrate digital technology into different aspects of their operations. PWC reports that areas like purchasing and production, supply chains and logistics, marketing and sales could all benefit from AI. However, integrating such technologies would require a human brain (or two!) behind them. Apart from choosing which technologies will benefit a company the most, a digital technologist would also be required to help the other workers learn to use them and adopt new practices.

Learn more about an online master’s degree in digital transformation here.

  1. Construction Project Management:

Construction projects are usually labour intensive and PWC predicts that a lot of the work involved may be automated in the near future. However, there are many aspects of a construction project that would require humans to be in charge, especially those jobs on a supervisory level.

First and foremost, managing a construction project requires people management skills which is something AI can’t acquire, at least not anytime in the foreseeable future. Apart from being able to handle labour, construction project managers need to be able to handle a number of different variables like permits, funding agencies, contractors, disputes, and more. Project managers may also be put into unforeseen situations where they need to think of innovative solutions to ensure their projects are completed on time.

Find out how you can enter the exciting world of construction at a supervisory level through an online master’s degree in construction project management.

As you can see, there are plenty of jobs out there that are unlikely to be threatened by automation. An online master’s degree programme can help you safeguard your employability even further while allowing you to adhere to other commitments at the same time.

Check out some online master’s degree programs that are available and compare their pros and cons here.





5 Reasons why even the most sophisticated computer cannot effectively replace a good teacher, The Learning Council, https://thelearningcounsel.com/article/5-reasons-why-even-most-sophisticated-computer-cannot-effectively-replace-good-teacher-0, accessed August 2021

Digital automation and the future of work, Panel for the Future of Science and Technology, EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service, January 2021, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2021/656311/EPRS_STU(2021)656311_EN.pdf

How Technology is Changing the Craft of Screenwriting, Raindance, October 2019,  https://raindance.org/how-technology-is-changing-the-craft-of-screenwriting/

How will automation impact jobs?, An International Analysis of The Potential Long Term Impact of Automation, PWC 2018, https://www.pwc.co.uk/economic-services/assets/international-impact-of-automation-feb-2018.pdf

Multiple Benefits Linked with Event Planning to Drive the Global Events Industry Market from 2021 to 2028 - Exclusive Report [301 pages] by Research Dive, PRNewswire, June 2021, https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/multiple-benefits-linked-with-event-planning-to-drive-the-global-events-industry-market-from-2021-to-2028--exclusive-report-301-pages-by-research-dive-301309055.html

Teaching careers in the EU, EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service, 2019, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2019/642220/EPRS_BRI(2019)642220_EN.pdf

The Future of Jobs Report 2020, The World Economic Forum, October 2020, https://www.weforum.org/reports/the-future-of-jobs-report-2020/in-full

Top health industry issues of 2021: Will a shocked system emerge stronger?, PWC, 2021, https://www.pwc.com/us/en/industries/health-industries/top-health-industry-issues.html

Writers and Authors, Will Robots Take My Job?, https://willrobotstakemyjob.com/27-3043-writers-and-authors, accessed August 2021

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